
Skerries Bowling Club was established in 1983. At first is was only possible to play indoor bowls in the Community Centre but later, with the help of Fingal County Council and the vision of founder members, the club acquired its own ground. In 1993, with the help of a prize bonds win, a bowling green was installed.This green was the first synthetic (all-weather) bowling green in the Republic of Ireland.This meant that it was possible to bowl all year round.Traditional grass greens have a shorter playing season as they cannot be used in the winter months.
Skerries Bowling Club is affiliated to the Irish Lawn Bowling Association (ILBA), the Irish Bowling Association (IBA), and the International World Bowls Association (IWBA).
The club has about 120 members and enters teams each year in the ILBA league and cup competitions. Members can also take part in the Winter League (which has become increasingly popular in the last few years) and club competitions which are run throughout the year.
Members can enter ILBA National Championship Singles, Pairs, Trips and Rinks competitions at Junior and Senior level. Winning these competitions can lead on to the British Isle championships and ultimately the World championships.
Bowling in the club caters for social bowling to highly competitive bowling and all ability levels are catered for.
Our new club house was opened in June 2008. It contains changing rooms, a kitchen, and a large multi-purpose space which is regularly used for indoor bowling and for hosting visiting teams.
Members and visitors comment on the club's convivial social atmosphere and good facilities.
