Otto Dix

Expressionism. His figurative work became a tool for social satire. With an exaggerated, grotesque style associated with the New Objectivity movement, Dix provided unflinching commentaries on the social and political realities of the Weimar Republic. </p> <p>In 1920 he met <a href="">George Grosz</a> and began working with collage elements under the influence of <a href="">Dada. By the mid-1920s, Dix was experimenting with an increasingly realistic style of painting, using thin glazes of oil paint over a tempera underpainting in the manner of the Old Masters. Otto Dix was a committed portraitist, with subjects ranging from his wife Martha Koch to fellow artists, arts patrons and other members of Germany&rsquo;s cultural circle. </p> <p>Dix was labelled as one of Germany&rsquo;s most &lsquo;degenerate&rsquo; artists even before the Nazis&rsquo; rise to power in 1933. He, like other practising artists, was forced to join the Nazi government&rsquo;s Reich Chamber of Fine Arts. During World War II, he was conscripted into the Volkssturm and was captured by French troops at the end of the war. He was released in 1946. </p> <p>After the war, Dix returned to Dresden and remained there until 1966. His post-war paintings focused on religious allegories and depictions of post-war traumas. In this period he gained recognition in both parts of the then-divided Germany. Otto Dix died in 1969 at the age of 77. </p>" scroll-on-close button-variant-inline-in-text html-preview>

Wilhelm Heinrich Otto Dix was a German artist known for his realistic depictions of the brutal conditions of German society through defining moments of the country’s modern history. Born in 1891 in Untermhaus, a village now part of Gera, Germany, Dix lived through the two world wars and the division of Germany after its defeat. These experiences imprinted a marked influence in his art and fed his interest in exploring the human condition.

Otto Dix grew up spending his spare time in the studio of his artist cousin Fritz Amann, fuelling his ambition to become an artist in his own right. Between 1906 and 1910, Dix apprenticed under painter Carl Senff and began painting his first landscapes. He was later trained at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Dresden — now the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, with Richard Guhr as one of his instructors.

During World War I, Dix served in the field artillery regiment in Dresden. The horrors of the war haunted the artist, and he would later translate these images onto his canvas and etchings. After the war, Dix founded the Dresden Secession group in 1919. This period marked his first foray into Expressionism. His figurative work became a tool for social satire. With an exaggerated, grotesque style associated with the New Objectivity movement, Dix provided unflinching commentaries on the social and political realities of the Weimar Republic.

In 1920 he met George Grosz and began working with collage elements under the influence of Dada. By the mid-1920s, Dix was experimenting with an increasingly realistic style of painting, using thin glazes of oil paint over a tempera underpainting in the manner of the Old Masters. Otto Dix was a committed portraitist, with subjects ranging from his wife Martha Koch to fellow artists, arts patrons and other members of Germany’s cultural circle.

Dix was labelled as one of Germany’s most ‘degenerate’ artists even before the Nazis’ rise to power in 1933. He, like other practising artists, was forced to join the Nazi government’s Reich Chamber of Fine Arts. During World War II, he was conscripted into the Volkssturm and was captured by French troops at the end of the war. He was released in 1946.

After the war, Dix returned to Dresden and remained there until 1966. His post-war paintings focused on religious allegories and depictions of post-war traumas. In this period he gained recognition in both parts of the then-divided Germany. Otto Dix died in 1969 at the age of 77.

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Sitzender Akt mit blondem Haar

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Französisches Ehepaar (Französisches Paar)

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Frau mit rotem Hut

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Tropische Nacht

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Sadisten gewidmet

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Dame mit schleier

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Soldat mit Tabakspfeife

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Älteres Liebespaar

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Weibliche Leichen (Anatomie Dresden-Friedrichstadt)

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Laterne (Die Motten und das Licht)

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Wedekind Gewidmet (Frau mit gelbem Hut)

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Alter Mann (sogenannter Fremdenlegionär)

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Hure, Mädchen mit roter Schleife

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Selbstbildnis (Bilderbuch Muggeli Bl. 1)

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Vohse und Louis, Fohse und Lui

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Internationaler Reitakt

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Kopf eines Kriegers

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

An der Friedhofsmauer

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Dr. Mayer-Hermann (Damonisches Gesicht)

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Akt (Tänzerin)

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Zerschossenes Gehöft - Haus in B.

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Frau H. (Madame)

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Mädchen mit aufgestütztem Arm

Otto Dix (1891-1969)


Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Weib und Tod

Otto Dix (1891-1969)


Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Betonierter Schützengraben

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Die Kartenspielerinnen

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Die kesse Berta

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Angres (Rotes Haus an der Schlucht)

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Großstadt (Entwurf zu Großstadttriptychon)

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Strasse, from: Radierwerk I

Otto Dix (1891-1969)


OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Tod und Auferstehung

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Liegende Bekleidete, Liegende Figur

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

15 Plates from: Der Krieg

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Skizze zur Kriegsradierung "Matrosen in Antwerpen"

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Gehöft am Fluß II

Otto Dix (1891-1969)

Syphilitiker, from: 5 Radierungen

OTTO DIX (1891-1969)

Matrose und Mädchen