RICHARD AVEDON (1923-2004)
" f " : In addition to the regular Buyer’s premium… Read more
RICHARD AVEDON (1923-2004)

Andy Warhol and Group, October 1969

RICHARD AVEDON (1923-2004)
Andy Warhol and Group, October 1969
3 tirages argentiques uniques, montés sur isorel
chacun signé, titré, daté et annoté 'Panel one', 'Panel two' et 'Panel three' à l'encre (au dos du montage)
chacun 76.3 x 97.9cm. (30 x 38½in.); ensemble 76.3 x 293.7cm. (30 x 115½in.)
Special notice
" f " : In addition to the regular Buyer’s premium, a commission of 7% (i.e. 7.49% inclusive of VAT for books, 8.372% inclusive of VAT for the other lots) of the hammer price will be charged to the buyer. It will be refunded to the Buyer upon proof of export of the lot outside the European Union within the legal time limit.(Please refer to section VAT refunds)

Brought to you by

Elodie Morel
Elodie Morel

Lot Essay

Le lot 33 est un prototype unique et original de Andy Warhol and members of The Factory, New York, October 9, 1969.

The present lot is the original, unique prototype of Andy Warhol and members of The Factory, New York, October 9, 1969.

It's just strange to me that anyone would ever think that a work of art shouldn't be disturbing, or shouldn't be invasive. I mean, that's the property of a work of art. That's the arena of a work of art. It's to disturb, it's to make you think, it's to make you feel. If my work didn't disturb from time to time it would be a failure in my own eyes. It's meant to disturb, in a positive way.

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