Back in Paris four years later, he began to study art under Charles Gleyre, where he met Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Jean-Frédéric Bazille. Together they would develop a novel, visionary visual language: Impressionism.
These were tumultuous years for Sisley. While he had work accepted to the Salon of 1866, subsequent submissions were rejected. The onset of the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 brought financial ruin to Sisley’s family as well as the death of Bazille.
Following this personal — and political — period of upheaval, Sisley decided to make art his career. He and his family moved to the Parisian suburbs, near to Monet and Camille Pissarro, and together they began to develop exhibitions outside of the Salon system. Sisley would go on to show paintings at the first Impressionist exhibition in 1875, though his success remained modest.
Throughout his life, Sisley remained essentially a painter of landscapes, and along with his contemporaries, spent much time working en plein air. As part of the Impressionists, who sought to depict the world they inhabited, his compositions are not purely pastoral yet in paintings such as Allée of Chestnut Trees (1878), and Flood at Port-Marly (1872), nature dominates all. In this sense, his formal strategies are indebted to France’s Barbizon group, and particularly the work of Camille Corot. Sisley died in 1899, three months after the death of his wife Eugénie.
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le Loing à Moret
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Les peupliers à Moret-sur-Loing, après midi d’août
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le Loing à Saint-Mammès
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
La Seine à Argenteuil
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le potager
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
La fenaison--Après-midi de juin
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Printemps à Veneux
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
L'allée des peupliers à Moret au bord du Loing
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Pommiers en fleurs--Louveciennes
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
Le Loing à Saint-Mammès
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Saint Mammès, avant l'été
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le pont et les moulins de Moret sur Loing
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Tournant du Loing à Moret. Printemps
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
Moret-sur-Loing au soleil couchant
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
L'allée des peupliers au bord du Loing
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Canal du Loing
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le printemps à Moret-sur Loing
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
La route de Veneux
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le Loing à Moret
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le printemps à Moret sur Loing
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
La vague, Baie de Langland (Pays de Galles)
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Chemin des Fontaines à Veneux-Nadon
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
La route de Marly-le-Roi
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Langland Bay
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Route de Versailles
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Printemps à Veneux-Nadon
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Après-midi de mai à By, près de Moret-sur-Loing
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
La route de Gennevilliers
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le village de Champagne au coucher du soleil, Avril
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Chemin près du Parc de Courances
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Soleil d’hiver à Veneux-Nadon
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Vue de Moret
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
Les moulins de Moret–Hiver
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
La Seine à Bougival
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Canal du Loing, effet du matin
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Paysage au tas de bois
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
La Seine à Bougival
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
Le village des Sablons, près de Veneux-Nadon
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
Le verger à Moret-sur-Loing, printemps
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Pont de l'Orvanne
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Paysage de Printemps--Chemin aux environs de Moret-sur Loing
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Saint-Mammès-le soir
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Les Coteaux de La Celle, après Saint-Mammès
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
Pont de Moret-sur-Loing
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le Pont de Moret-sur-Loing, temps de crue
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le Barrage du canal du Loing à Saint-Mammès
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
Le village de Champagne au coucher du soleil, avril
ALFRED SISLEY (1839-1899)
Femme et enfant sur le chemin des près, Sèvres
Alfred Sisley (1839-1899)
Le Loing à Saint-Mammès